Symptoms of common dental problems

Illustration of impacted tooth

The most common oral problems are gum infection common in smokers, dry mouth lack of adequate saliva affected by some pills and diseases, problems with gums or teeth, bad breath. Oral diseases cause not only mouth but that affect different parts of the human body so, it is essential to know the signs and symptoms to ensure a healthy white smile.

Following are some of the common dental diseases and their symptoms

Dental Decay: Dental decay is also called tooth discoloration is the most common infection in oral health and creates cavities, tooth decay is the result of bacterial present mainly Streptococcus mutans and lactobacilli.

Symptoms of dental decay:

Tooth-ache, constant pain keeping you attentive or unusual intense pain without a clear cause. Tooth-sensitivity, you may sense tenderness or discomfort when biting or drinking something hot, cold or sweet grey, brown or black spots appearing on your teeth, bad breath.

Gum Disease: Gum disease is a set of provocative conditions attacking the tissues that hold the teeth together which constitute the gum periodontal, ligaments and alveolar bone, in its initial stage it is known as gingivitis.

Symptoms of gum disease:

Bad breath, bleeding gums, particularly when brushing, chewing, swollen or red gums, loosened teeth, pus between teeth and gum. When you bite new space is formed between teeth and receding teeth that make teeth seem longer than normal.

Wisdom Tooth: Third molars commonly begin to erupt within the ages of 16 and 22 since they are the last to erupt in the mouth. Wisdom teeth are the most common teeth to become impacted because a wisdom tooth is directed to the side bent or otherwise located wrongly in the jawbone. Wisdom teeth can also be affected when there is an insufficient place in the jaw or the mouth for them to appear.

Symptoms of wisdom tooth:

Swelling of the gum in the back of the mouth or on the side of the jaw, a problem in opening the jaw, bad breath and odor taste in the mouth, pain or irritation when you open your mouth, pain while chewing or biting.

Symptoms of Dental Abscess:

An extreme throbbing pain in the injured tooth or gum that may arise on quickly and becomes progressively severer pain that scatters to your ear, jaw, and neck on the same line as the damaged tooth or gum pain that’s worse when lying down, which may affect your sleep, redness and swelling in your face, tooth sensitivity to hot or cold food, etc.

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